During the next episode of The Bachelorette , spoilers reveal that Hannah Brown and her remaining men will get to start doing some traveling. There are plenty of intriguing international locations on the way, but during the June 3 show, teasers detail that the dates will be taking place in Rhode Island.
As The Inquisitr previously detailed, Hannah and her guys hit a handful of local hotspots in and around Newport, Rhode Island. Early Bachelorette spoilers suggested that there would be two one-on-one dates and one group date, and that is indeed the case.
Now, spoiler king Steve Carbone has broken down additional Bachelorette spoilers for Episode 4 via his Reality Steve blog. He reveals that the first one-on-one in Newport will go to musician Jed Wyatt, and they will stroll around Boston during their outing.
Hannah and Jed will also get a chance to play basketball with Celtics stars Jaylen Brown and Terry Rozier. The Bachelorette spoilers had teased a bit of this part of the date via various previews that showed Jed tossing a basketball toward the hoop over his shoulder and Hannah screaming when he sunk it as they both wore Celtics jerseys.
It probably will not come as a surprise to hear that Jed gets a rose.
Guess where #TheBachelorette is now… pic.twitter.com/jsgUxm9R3A
— Mike Fleiss (@fleissmeister) March 28, 2019
She shoots, she scores… #TheBachelorette pic.twitter.com/AeKi5E80vy
— Mike Fleiss (@fleissmeister) March 28, 2019
Reality Steve’s Bachelorette spoilers indicate that the group date involves a wicked rugby match with 13 of Hannah’s bachelors. Previous teasers have indicated that this date becomes an intensely physical one, and there is an ambulance ride on the way.
While Dustin Kendrick is said to be on this date, he doesn’t play rugby because of injuries. Connor Saeli, Dylan Barbour, Garrett Powell, Kevin Fortenberry, Luke Stone, and Mike Johnson will make up the Green Team. The Blue Team is said to consist of Devin Harris, Grant Eckel, John Paul Jones, Luke Parker, Matteo Valles, and Peter Weber.
The Bachelorette spoilers share that the guys on the blue team will win the rugby match, but Kevin ends up injured and is taken away via ambulance. Reality Steve’s teasers detail that he thinks Peter gets the group date rose, but he’s not entirely sure.
The Inquisitr previously shared that the two Lukes would get into a pretty heated battle during a group date, and this is the one where it all goes down. The Bachelorette spoilers from Reality Steve tease that Stone will be frustrated by how physical Parker got, and Brown seems to back Parker as Stone speaks up about what happened.
Apparently, Stone will later decide to eliminate himself as a result of all of this drama. From the sounds of things, Luke decides to head home during the cocktail party.
Hannah’s other one-on-one goes to Tyler Cameron, and The Bachelorette spoilers reveal that the couple will get to take in a Jake Owen concert at the Jane Pickens Theater. Tyler gets the rose.
At the rose ceremony, Reality Steve says that Hannah eliminates John Paul Jones and Matteo Valles. This means that Brown will have 12 bachelors remaining, and they will head to Scotland for Episode 5.
The Bachelorette spoilers previously shared via The Inquisitr share that Hannah Brown does find love this season, and these upcoming one-on-one dates could be key to the filming process playing out in her favor. Episode 4 airs on Monday, June 3, and these should be some exciting dates to watch.