Julie Chen Moonves may have just dropped a huge Big Brother clue. The longtime CBS host posted a new promo for the CBS summertime reality show in which she announced the two-night season premiere dates, but a closer look reveals this is not just any ordinary promo pic.
In the photo, the Big Brother host is standing on a flamingo-fronted skateboard and wearing a leather jacket. But Chen’s leather jacket is decorated with patches that may provide a few clues to the new season, Gold Derby reports. A zoom-in on Julie’s Fonzie jacket reveals that a patch on the collar says “all-stars.”
In addition, Soap Dirt got really eagle-eyed to point out other notable patches on the Big Brother star’s jacket include a fishing lure, an anchor, and a skull and crossbones, which could provide hints to possible all-star houseguests. (Two-time runner-up Paul Abrahamian, anyone?) Chen’s flamingo is also suspect, as Soap Dirt points out that former houseguest Frankie Grande (yes, the brother of Ariana) had a Big Brother superhero alter ego named the Flamingo because of his pink hair.
All of these clues could be clues to all-star houseguests or it could be a ploy to confuse fans, which is something this show has been really good at doing ever since its debut in the summer of 2000.
Big Brother last featured an all-stars season in 2006, and fans have been wondering if there will ever be another one. Last year, Big Brother executive producer Rich Meehan told The Hollywood Reporter that while there have been multiple returning players over the past few years, an all-stars season was not in the works for the show’s landmark 20th season.
“ Big Brother is still going strong so we didn’t feel the need to do an ‘all-star’ cast to generate interest,” Meehan told THR .
But Julie Chen has long been pushing for an all-stars season. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight , Chen said she would like to see a season that features all of the long-running reality show’s past winners.
“I have been actually pushing for an all-star season in that it’s beyond ‘all-star,’” Chen revealed. “It’s the cream of the crop. It’s the winner from each season to compete. So, it’s the ‘Winner’s Circle.’ And I’m talking back to season one, Eddie [McGee]. I mean all the way back!”
Still, even Julie Chen admits that her idea will probably never come to fruition. In a separate Entertainment Weekly interview, the longtime Big Brother host said that while everyone loves the show’s legends such as Mike Boogie, Dr. Will Kirby, and fan favorite Janelle Pierzina, the beauty of the Big Brother game is “showing true fans who have never played it.”
“You lose that element if you bring people that have lived in that house before,” Chen admitted.
Big Brother 21 kicks off with a two-night premiere Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26 at 8 p.m. on CBS.