Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones will know Robin Arryn as the boy who was breastfed for much longer than he should have. His other most notable quality is the fact that he seemed to be the only character — apart from his mother — who had a genuine affection for Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen). However, in the Season 8 finale of Game of Thrones , Robyn had grown up considerably and the internet instantly responded. This is something that the actor who played Robin, Lino Facioli, finds completely hilarious.
SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses Episode 6 (titled “The Iron Throne”) of HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 8. Please proceed with caution if you have not yet viewed this episode and wish to avoid spoilers.
The Season 8 finale of Game of Thrones had some absolutely shocking moments. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) killed Daenerys (Emila Clarke) and then got sentenced to rejoin the Night’s Watch. Brandon Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) ended up the ruler of the six kingdoms while his sister, Sansa (Sophie Turner), wound up Queen in the North.
However, it was the reappearance of Robin Arryn that really got the internet talking. Previously, Robin was shown as a gangly adolescent who was bordering on crazy just like his mother, Lysa (Kate Dickie). In the Season 8 finale of Game of Thrones , Robin was included at the gathering of all the great Houses that remained in Westeros as they decided who would rule the seven kingdoms. And, since his last appearance, he had managed to pull what is termed a Neville Longbottom on the internet. Robin had literally bloomed and turned from a nottie into a hottie.
The internet instantly responded.
Robin Arryn straight up longbottomed us #GameOfThrones
— Em Cee ? (@Shaquil_Oatm3al) May 20, 2019
the main theme of Game of Thrones finally became clear in the finale: the importance of breastfeeding to grow up big and strong
— Andrew Bridgman (@bridgmandrew) May 20, 2019
And so did Lino Facioli when he shared a post from a fan commenting on his character.
— Lino Facioli (@Lino_Facioli) May 20, 2019
Vulture recently interviewed Lino Facioli, who is only 18-years-old, about the sudden recognition and discovered that the actor is surprised by it all.
“To be honest, I’m still taking it all in,” Facioli said.
While a shock, Facioli also found the whole situation amusing.
“My parents are just … we were laughing, we were like, ‘This is hilarious, this is crazy.’ I’ve got friends being like, ‘You’ve got memes about you, man.’ That’s their definition of fame.”
Since the episode aired on Sunday night, Lino has noticed the upturn in public attention. Previously, people had not recognized him on the street, but that has all changed now. Facioli describes his first encounter after the Season 8 finale episode of Game of Thrones aired last Sunday night.
“We were out to dinner and suddenly people were just eyeballing us, and I was like, ‘Okay, let’s keep walking.’ And one of them ran up to me and was like, ‘You’re not on Game of Thrones , are you?’”
Lino also discussed how he dealt with being the weird kid on Game of Thrones , indicating that it has given him a tough skin regarding dealing with what people have to say about him. It has also helped him learn how to deal with things using humor.
And as for how he dealt with having to simulate breastfeeding when he was younger?
“I really did just see it, you know, as a practical thing, as a natural thing between a mum and a child. Obviously not that natural at that age! But in general, people seemed to think that it was a lot more impactful or traumatizing than it really was? It was just something that happened.”
Episode 6 was the final episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 8 and the series overall. HBO is currently in production on a prequel series set in the same universe as Game of Thrones . However, no release date has yet been announced for this new series.