Russia investigation special counsel Robert Mueller has faced criticism for failing to “follow the money” in his probe of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign’s connection to Russia. Mueller, in his report of the investigation’s findings, discussed the Trump Tower Moscow project in which Trump was engaged during the campaign while publicly denying any business links to Russia. But House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff told The Washington Post that the question of whether the Russian government had compromised Trump through that financial deal was a “counterintelligence nightmare,” but one on which the Mueller report remains silent.
But new revelations from a whistleblower who formerly worked as a money-laundering specialist at Deutsche Bank — which loaned Trump more than $1 billion over a 10-year period in the 1990s and 2000s when other banks saw Trump as unworthy of credit, as The Inquisitr reported — show that Mueller may have missed some important connections between Russia and the Trump campaign by neglecting to trace the money links between Trump and Russia.
In 2016, during a time when Russia was actively promoting Trump’s candidacy by interfering in the United States election though cyber-hacking and social media campaigns, as Mueller documented in his report posted online by The New York Times , Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner who was also a top campaign official sent cash to “Russian individuals” in transactions bank money laundering specialists deemed “suspicious.”
Deutsche Bank whistleblower Tammy McFadden, cited in a blockbuster New York Times report published on Sunday, “reviewed the transactions and found that money had moved from Kushner Companies to Russian individuals.” McFadden attempted to report the suspicious transactions to the United States Treasury Department, but higher-up officials at the bank refused to submit her report to the government.
“McFadden and some of her colleagues said they believed the report had been killed to maintain the private-banking division’s strong relationship with Mr. Kushner,” The Times reported.
Exactly why Kushner was transferring money to individual Russians through his company, in ways that McFadden and other money laundering experts inside the bank found suspicious, remains unclear. As Slate noted, the existence of suspicious activity reports does not necessarily indicate financial wrongdoing on the part of either party in the “suspicious” transaction.
As The Inquisitr reported, McFadden also revealed numerous suspicious activities by Trump’s own businesses and his Trump Foundation charity. But those suspicious activity reports were also suppressed by higher-ranking Deutsche Bank officials, according to the Times .
Trump’s charitable foundation has been accused of numerous illegal transactions, and last December, a judge ordered the foundation to close its doors due to what the judge called a “shocking pattern of illegality,” The Guardian reported.