Last week, former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans was in court, fighting to regain custody of her children after they were removed from her care. Over the weekend, Jenelle took to Instagram to share a photo of her son amid the custody drama and, according to In Touch Weekly , fans weren’t too kind to Jenelle in the comments section of the post.
The photo that Jenelle posted showed her youngest son posing in a graduation outfit. In the photo, the little boy is smiling. However, it wasn’t the photo that fans had a problem with so much as it was Jenelle’s caption on the photo.
“Guess who’s graduating from Pre-K soon?!” Jenelle wrote along with the hashtags “melting,” “little man,” and “mommas boy.”
Most fans were upset that Jenelle seemed to be picking her husband, David Eason, over her children.
The situation that Jenelle currently finds herself in happened after her husband killed her French bulldog, Nugget. Eason reportedly killed the dog for allegedly nipping at the couple’s 2-year-old daughter. Following the incident, Jenelle reportedly left the home and told Us Weekly that divorce was “in thoughts.” However, Jenelle chose to work on her marriage and as previously reported by The Inquisitr , said that she would only divorce her husband if he refused to go to marriage counseling with her.
While Jenelle appeared on Season 9 of Teen Mom 2 , she had not yet started filming for Season 9B while the other cast members had been filming. Some wondered if perhaps Jenelle would be let go from the show. On May 7, an MTV spokesperson released a statement to Us Weekly announcing that the network would no longer continue to follow Jenelle’s story.
“MTV ended its relationship with David Eason over a year ago in February 2018 and has not filmed any new episodes of Teen Mom 2 with him since. Additionally, we have stopped filming with Jenelle Eason as of April 6, 2019 and have no plans to cover her story in the upcoming season.”
After her son was removed from her custody, she spoke out about the incident and revealed to Us Weekly that she has been “fighting to get my son back.”
Jenelle and her husband spent last week in court, but reportedly, nothing had been decided and the kids continued to remain out of their care. The two are reportedly set to be in court later this week.
The Teen Mom 2 reunion will begin airing Monday night on MTV and will include a segment with Jenelle Evans as it was filmed prior to MTV cutting ties with her.