After Donald Trump blasted Justin Amash, the first Republican to call for his impeachment as a “total lightweight” on Twitter, attorney George Conway couldn’t resist the temptation to provide a “lie-by-lie” breakdown of Trump’s tweets, according to Newsweek .
Trump came down heavily on Amash for becoming the first Republican to call for his impeachment. The president said that Amash’s only aim was to get into controversy and had therefore broken with the party on the question of impeachment.
“Never a fan of [Justin Amash], a total lightweight who opposes me and some of our great Republican ideas and policies just for the sake of getting his name out there through controversy,” Trump tweeted , before going on to reiterate his often-mentioned disapproval of the Mueller investigation being a “witch hunt” concocted by “18 angry Democrats.”
“If he actually read the biased Mueller Report, ‘composed’ by 18 Angry Dems who hated Trump, he would see that it was nevertheless strong on NO COLLUSION and, ultimately, NO OBSTRUCTION…Anyway, how do you Obstruct when there is no crime and, in fact, the crimes were committed by the other side? Justin is a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents hands!”
But George Conway, who has criticized Trump regularly despite his wife Kellyanne being a close aide of the president, attempted to tear his tweets apart by claiming that he lied on almost every point he made.
“You never stop lying, do you?” Conway tweeted first, resharing Trump’s attacks on Amash. He then went on to provide a breakdown of why the president’s attacks on the Republican congressman were not merited.
Conway noted that Trump’s strong assertion of there having been “No collusion” was a lie as Trump campaign members had repeatedly shown a willingness to accept Russia’s overtures to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. Similarly, Conway mentioned that Trump’s claim of “no obstruction” was also a lie because Mueller had listed out several instances which could be deemed as attempts by Donald Trump to derail justice. Finally, Conway said that Trump’s argument of obstruction being impossible unless a crime was committed first was rubbish because obstruction in his position is about the intent — and not the impact.
Prominent Republican pundits like @gtconway3d have said this as well./3
— Julian Zelizer (@julianzelizer) May 19, 2019
Meanwhile, Conway also wrote a column in The Washington Post this week, in which he labeled Donald Trump as “a cancer” on the presidency and called on the Congress to remove the president from office immediately by invoking impeachment proceedings against him.