The General Hospital Nurses Ball is underway as the red carpet arrivals were shown on Friday’s episode. Everyone looks amazing, but there is so much more to come with the performances at hand. You certainly can’t have this annual event without a little drama and Monday will bring plenty of that.
Anna Devane arrived with Finn on her arm for the Nurses Ball. She was looking gorgeous in a maroon dress. She was happy with her man, that is until her ex, Robert Scorpio, showed up on the red carpet at the exact same time they did. He came up on the other side of her as the cameras started snapping photos of the three of them. Anna looked exasperated. On Monday, she will let him know exactly how unhappy she is with him, as seen in a new General Hospital sneak peek clip.
Robert is pulled aside by Anna at the Nurses Ball and she lays into him on why he is acting the way he is. She makes it clear that she is Finn’s date and that she doesn’t appreciate him making everyone think that she arrived with both of them. Robert laughed and admitted that he was a bad boy. He tried to sneak back into the ball, but Anna stops him and tells her ex that they first need to deal with the real problem.
She then goes on to tell him, “You can’t expect me to try again with you.”
Check Out All Of Your GENERAL HOSPITAL Faves On The Red Carpet At The Nurses Ball @GeneralHospital
— Soap Opera Digest (@SoapDigest) May 17, 2019
Robert has a surprised look on his face when she said that. Is he playing innocent? Or are his intentions completely different than what Anna, and viewers, have expected? He has acted like Anna and Finn’s relationship has bothered him, which makes everyone think that he truly wants her back for himself. However, it may turn out to be that he is just being sensitive about his BFF, and mother of his child, starting a life with someone else.
General Hospital spoilers coming from SheKnows Soaps tease that Anna is expected to receive a proposal, which will come full circle involving her, Robert, and Finn. What does that mean? Viewers will find out soon enough. Many fans think that Anna may just be the one who will propose to Finn, but this spoiler suggests that she is the one who is the receiver.
What will Robert say to Anna when she makes it clear that she wants a life with Finn and not him? Will he confess that he lost Finn’s ring? Hopefully, those two will get things resolved between them. Stay tuned for more fun, music, and of course, drama, as the General Hospital Nurses Ball continues on Monday.