A Southern California mother is no longer allowed on the grounds of her daughter’s school after angrily confronting a group of alleged bullies, Yahoo News reports. And a student in the classroom caught it all on cell phone video.
Christian Tinsley has had enough. She says that her daughter, whom she did not name, has been subject to bullying for months by a group of boys at her school, Niguel Hills Middle School. Tinsley says that when she (Tinsley) complained to school authorities, nothing changed; in fact, the bullying only got worse. Then the girl started receiving racist and sexist comments. When Tinsley complained, the school investigated and one of the boys was suspended.
But it was when Tinsley’s daughter started mentioning suicide that Tinsley went into “Mama Bear Mode,” as she describes it. And according to Los Angeles’ KCBS-TV , the final straw was on Tuesday morning. Tinsley went to drop her daughter off at school, and she started crying, begging to be left in the car instead of being sent into school.
Tinsley went into her daughter’s classroom to handle things on her own.
“If you all bully my daughter, if you look at her the wrong way, if you breathe the wrong way, send your mom to me. Sisters, aunts, anybody over 18, I’ll f— them all up. Do you understand me?”
The incident was caught on camera, presumably on a student’s cell phone, and it has since gone viral on social media. You can watch the video below.
As she was addressing the class, the teacher called for help. The assistant principal turned up and escorted Tinsley from the building. The decision was later made to permanently ban her from the school’s grounds and buildings.
She reportedly left behind scraps of paper that she called “tickets” for a “Free a**-kicking. Must be 18 or older to redeem.”
It remains unclear how she managed to get into her daughter’s classroom, as the school has a mandatory sign-in system for adult visitors.
Tinsley admits that the way she handled things wasn’t the most adult and responsible way, but she was tired of her daughter getting bullied and not getting results. And when her daughter started mentioning suicide, Tinsley knew she had to act. “Kids are committing suicide every day because they’re getting bullied. I don’t want that for my daughter. So what do I do when my daughter says she’s afraid to go to school?,” she said.