Kylie Jenner may be a makeup mogul, with a company valued at nearly $1 billion, but her foray into skincare might not be as successful. According to popular website Pop Sugar , the youngest member of the Kardashian Klan just released a skincare product that is being slammed by skincare professionals.
The specific product earning such ire is the walnut face scrub. According to dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, the product can actually make skin worse instead of better.
“Walnut scrubs are not good for your skin.”
The reason for this is that walnut scrubs use the shell of the nut as the exfoliant. However, the shell is difficult to properly pulverize.
“It’s not the walnuts. It’s the fact that the ground walnut shells can never be pulverized enough to make round edges. Hard walnut shells will create small microtears in the skin, which will ultimately alter your texture in a bad way.”
In a video of the product shared to Youtube, Kylie claimed that the product was gentle enough to use daily, though she recommended it two to three times weekly. However, Dr. Mariwalla vehemently disagrees with the claim, and reiterated that it will only lead to worse skin.
“In my opinion, this ingredient is too harsh for a face scrub and should absolutely not be used as frequently as it’s being promoted.”
In fact, the skin expert was even harsher in her final assessment of the product.
“It says on the website that [the Walnut Scrub] was dermatologist approved, and I’ve got to wonder if they used a board-certified derm or a nurse injector or someone else.”
Other dermatologists have also weighed in, with one claiming that using abrasive scrubs can lead to couperose skin, otherwise known as broken capillaries, per The Washington Post .
Kylie’s video unsurprisingly raved about the product, with Kylie even claiming that it was her “secret” to fresh and glowing skin.
However, despite Kylie’s fame, social media has been far from impressed. Thousands of tweets slammed the product, boding ill for its May 22 release.
do NOT pay this billionaire your hard earned money so you can tear up your precious faces with tiny bits of walnut. DO NOT
— Beth McColl (@imteddybless) May 14, 2019
Twitter is dragging Kylie Jenner’s new #KylieSkin walnut face scrub… but not as hard as the scrub will likely drag on your skin causing micro-tears, infection and irritation. ?
— Alex Anastassiou (@alexanasta_) May 16, 2019
Though the walnut scrub is garnering most of the attention, the Keeping Up With Kardashians star is also releasing a larger line of skin care products.
These include a foaming face wash, a vanilla milk toner, a vitamin C serum, a face lotion, and an eye cream, in addition to the controversy-stirring walnut scrub. The price point for most of the items is under $30, and the entire skincare collection can be purchased for $125.
The products will be available for purchase at