When Donald Trump arrives in London next month, he will be greeted with close to 1 million protesters — and one giant statue of himself sitting on the toilet and tweeting.
The statue was created by Don Lessem, who worked with protest organizers who had previously greeted Trump with a giant blimp depicting him as a diaper-wearing baby, in London. As The Hill reported, Lessem was hoping to create an “attention-grabbing and bile-producing sequel” to the balloon, one that will be able to shuffle around to other anti-Trump rallies around the globe.
The Trump statute has a few special — and disgusting — features, Lessem said. It makes an array of gaseous noises and is ready-made with some catch phrases, including “I’m a very stable genius” and “You are fake news.”
Lessem said he thinks the statue is a fitting tribute to a president who seems to spend an inordinate amount of time on the social media site.
“When not on the links, Trump apparently spends most of his time on the can tweeting, so I figured to pay full tribute to him he’d have to be positioned on a golden toilet. For his own safety, we thought to put his overlong tie into the toilet itself,” Lessem told Daily Kos . “He’s tweeting of course, and his mouth moves to utter deathless quotes in his own voice…. His Make America Great Again cap is subtitled ‘Impeach Me’ — as if we needed a reminder.”
Donald Trump has already come under fire ahead of his planned state visit to the U.K., something that had originally been floated last year but never came to fruition as Trump railed against planned protests against him. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said, last week, that he does not believe Trump is worthy of a state visit.
Giant robot of Trump tweeting on the toilet sent to London ahead of Trump’s visit https://t.co/7Kg9BW1Y97 pic.twitter.com/vQek1COThn
— The Hill (@thehill) May 16, 2019
Khan said that Trump is not “in the same class” as Barack Obama and George W. Bush, who were the others to receive state visits. While Khan said it is important for England to have a good relationship with the United States, they should not be rolling out the red carpet for Donald Trump.
“We shouldn’t have a state banquet,” Khan said in an interview on Friday, according to The Washington Post .
There are already widespread protests planned to take place ahead of Donald Trump’s planned visit to the U.K., with reports estimating that as many as 1 million people could demonstrate against the American president.