‘The Bachelorette’ 2019: Chris Harrison First Thought Casting Hannah Brown Was A ‘Huge Mistake’

Hannah Brown didn’t find her true love during Colton Underwood’s season of The Bachelor, which led to her being the lead on this year’s The Bachelorette. As she prepares to meet the 30 men vying for her heart on Monday night’s first episode, there are those who may feel as if she isn’t right for the prime spot. While he may not be of that opinion any longer, host Chris Harrison was originally someone who thought ABC may have made a mistake.

Please let it be known that there are no spoilers in this article for the 2019 season of The Bachelorette starring Hannah Brown. You are free to read without worrying about anything being spoiled for you, but The Inquisitr does have you covered for the guys who will be sent home on the first night anyway.

The leads on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are usually those who were contestants on previous seasons. Not only does this allow the audience to be emotionally invested in them already, but it has the leads used to the situation as well as prepared for the spotlight and the cameras.

Reports and recaps spoke of how Hannah was rather awkward and almost clumsily speaking over herself during the season finale of Colton’s The Bachelor. The Cheat Sheet even reported that she was “painfully awkward” and “cringe-worthy” at times in how she presented herself.

Upon making her first live debut as The Bachelorette, there were many who began to wonder if Hannah could step up as the solo star. After the filming of the first special, The Hollywood Reporter states that Harrison was very nervous and completely unsure if they had made the right choice.

“I left that special thinking, ‘Oh, dear Lord, did we just make a huge mistake?'”

Hannah wasn’t an immediate runner-up on Colton’s season of The Bachelor as she actually came in seventh overall. When announced as the lead of the 2019 season, she stumbled over her sentences and even joked about the contestants hoping “they can put words together better than me!”

After about an hour into the first night of filming The Bachelorette, Harrison said that the real Hannah had shown back up. He knew that was the real her and she came in “firing on all cylinders” and she “controlled the situation.”

Some may think it is odd that Hannah Brown was nervous and not entirely sure of being in the spotlight of The Bachelorette as she’s a former beauty queen. The main difference is that in beauty pageants, one possibly walks away with a trophy or crown. At the end of your time in the lead spot of The Bachelorette, you’re walking away with the love of your life and a possible future spouse.

Chris Harrison now realizes he didn’t make a mistake, and Hannah has to hope she doesn’t make one either.

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