Amidst a slew of Mother’s Day photos and videos being shared to popular social media platform Instagram, Kylie Jenner’s latest image stands out from the crowd. Taking a break from her burgeoning cosmetics business and reality TV appearances in order to spend some time with her lovely daughter, Stormi, Kylie was more than happy to share a slice of her holiday with her 135 million followers.
Posing in front of a tan-colored fabric backdrop supported by metal pipes, Kylie sat down to assume a more casual position. The makeup mogul is wearing a long trench coat in an equally inoffensive taupe shade, one which is pulled back about the hips to expose Kylie’s long, lean legs. Her iconic chestnut tresses are styled in a middle part, her hair cascading about her shoulders to rest at her back.
The focal point of the image is almost certainly little Stormi, however. With her dark locks being swept back into a cute ponytail, Stormi looks a bit curious as she cuddles up to her mother and gazes at a point just beyond the camera lens. While Kylie sports a practiced coy, crooked smile, Stormi appears more adorably pensive in her expression. Stormi is seen wearing a simple white outfit for the picture, lending everything a rather earthy and cozy aesthetic.
In the caption attached to the sweet snapshot, Kylie gave a heartfelt shoutout to her role as a mother, also giving her daughter her due reverence. Kylie Jenner’s fans seemed to fall in love with the shot in no time at all, quickly lavishing over 1.1 million likes and 5,600-plus comments on the share in very short order.
“Happy Mother’s Day to one of the sweetest, kindest and most beautiful moms,” one admirer gushed, capping off their comment with a pair of cherry blossom emoji.
“She will remember you always loved her,” a second supporter remarked, waxing poetic.
“Can I get likes for no reason,” a third user asked, breaking the mood. This user quickly racked up five likes in return for their seemingly random ask.
While there can be little doubt as to whether or not Kylie Jenner is a committed mother, it also appears quite evident that she’s a conscientious businesswoman as well. As Cosmopolitan recently detailed, the Kylie Cosmetics founder is keen to launch a brand new skin care line — one which is focused on delivering a wide range of vegan, cruelty-free products.
So, whether she’s focused on her family or on her business ventures, it appears that Kylie commits herself entirely to the task at hand.