On Tuesday evening, it was reported that Jenelle Evans had been fired from Teen Mom 2 after appearing on the show for nearly a decade. The decision came after her husband reportedly killed her French bulldog Nugget for snapping at the couple’s 2-year-old daughter. While some of the Teen Mom 2 cast has reacted to the news, Hollywood Life spoke to Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood who revealed she is “just fine” with the decision that MTV made.
“I’m just fine with the decision that was made on MTV’S behalf,” Amber said in regards to the statement that was made Tuesday night.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , an MTV spokesperson spoke to Us Weekly and gave a statement, revealing that all ties had been cut with the mom of three.
However, Amber wasn’t exactly surprised by the news and explained to Hollywood Life that she “knew this was coming.”
“Honestly I knew this was coming eventually. It’s a horrible situation she is going through.”
Jenelle is the mother of three children and has been sharing her story on MTV for nearly a decade. She was introduced to viewers on her Season 2 episode of 16 and Pregnant where she found out she was pregnant with her eldest son. The relationship between Jenelle and her son’s father didn’t work out and Jenelle’s mother ultimately gained custody of Jenelle’s son. Her mother still has custody of Jenelle’s son. While on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle gave birth to her second son with ex-boyfriend Nathan Griffith.
Jenelle eventually moved on with David Eason, the man who she is currently married to. The two have a daughter together.
David filmed for Teen Mom 2 for a while before being fired last year. Production would not continue with David around and filming Jenelle for her segments was difficult. On the most recent episode of the show, Jenelle flew to Florida in order to film scenes with Briana DeJesus. While the rest of the cast have been filming for Season 9B, Jenelle had not filmed any new segments prior to the firing.
Jenelle being fired comes after the dog incident which has had people talking for over a week. Amber Portwood spoke about the incident to the site and explained that what Jenelle’s husband did is “not acceptable.”
Amber Portwood appears on Teen Mom OG and most recently, she spent some time away with her castmates including Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, and Cheyenne Floyd. The show is set to return for another season sometime this year, although an air date has not been announced.