Jacob Wohl has reportedly been tripped up in his latest scheme to smear the left.
The notorious internet troll and vocal Donald Trump supporter had announced a press conference to share details about a sexual assault allegation against Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg — one that had already been identified as a smear that Wohl concocted.
On Monday, Wohl’s partner-in-schemes, Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman, posted what appeared to be a counter-protest to the press conference called “Protest Against Homophobic Bigots.” As the Daily Beast noted, Burkman had posted an Eventbrite event page for the alleged counter-protest, implying that there were threats against him and Wohl.
“Hundreds of leftist protestors are set to descend on our Wednesday Press conference,” Burkman tweeted.
“We WILL NOT surrender to the mob! We’ve called in extra security to guard our safety and that of our partners in the media.”
As the Daily Beast noted, Burkman’s tweet was the first time that the counter-protest had ever been mentioned online. When another reporter looked into the counter-protest, he found that the organizer used an email address called wohlthinktank@gmail.com, an email that Jacob Wohl has used in the past.
It was not clear if Wohl himself was responsible for the apparently fake counter-protest or if someone was trolling the troll, but he has already been caught in a number of failed schemes. Both Wohl and Burkman announced earlier this year that they were representing a woman who claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but the woman never showed up and details of the alleged assault felt apart upon questioning by reporters, including the very date it was alleged to have taken place.
As The Inquisitr noted, Wohl also appeared to be behind an apparently fake allegation of sexual assault against Pete Buttigieg. The Daily Beast noted that a story was published on the site Medium from a man claiming Buttigieg had assaulted him, but the man named in the article claimed that Wohl had written and published the article without his consent and that the allegation against Buttigieg had been fabricated.
Blundering pro-Trump operative Jacob Wohl just got caught trying to organize a fake protest against himself. https://t.co/RAPZfgWq5g
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) May 7, 2019
Jacob Wohl has also been caught fabricating death threats against himself. Earlier this year, he filmed what he said was a documentary investigating claims that Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her brother for immigration purposes. While filming in her district in Minnesota, Wohl was seen wearing a bullet-proof vest and claiming that he had received death threats. The Twitter account where the threat originated was later identified as one of a number of accounts that Wohl ran himself.