Britney Spears’ parents, Lynne and Jamie Spears, are said to be battling over their daughter’s health care.
According to TMZ , Britney Spears’ mother, Lynne, has reportedly become very upset with the state of her daughter’s mental health. As many fans already know, Britney spent some time in a mental health facility recently, but her mother doesn’t believe that the pop star is getting the proper care.
Lynne reportedly enlisted the help of her best friend, who happens to be wife to the governor of Louisiana. Together, they found a lawyer, and Lynne is now allegedly ready to fight for a say in Britney’s treatment.
The singer’s father, Jamie, is currently Britney’s conservator, and has been for more than 11 years. Jamie is credited with getting Britney the help she so desperately needed following her breakdown back in 2008.
Sources tell the outlet that Lynne is currently in L.A., and is staying with her daughter. However, even though Britney has been released from the mental health facility, she’s allegedly not doing well — and is said to have “significant mental health issues.”
She is also said to be currently working to get her medications in order, so that she can get back to her life. Britney Spears attempts to balance her responsibilities to her music and to her two sons, Preston and Jayden.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Britney Spears told fans — via social media — that they should not worry about her, and that she was just taking a break to deal with some of the things happening in her life, such as her father’s illness. This message was delivered just days before she was released from the mental health facility.
Britney urged her followers not to believe the out of control rumors about her family. Said rumors included the notion that her family had forced her into treatment against her will. The singer promised that she would be coming back soon.
“Everything that’s happening is just making it harder for me. Don’t believe everything you read and hear. I promise I’m doing what’s best at this moment. You may not know this about me, but I am strong, and stand up for what I want,” Britney stated in the message, one that accompanied a video which was addressed to her fans.
“Your love and dedication is amazing, but what I need right now is a little bit of privacy to deal with all the hard things that life is throwing my way. If you could do that, I would be forever grateful. Love you,” Spears added.
Fans can see more of Britney Spears by following the singer on her social media accounts.