Argo won best picture at the Oscars on Sunday night, making lovers of the film breathe a sigh of relief. The majority of supporters feared the film, directed by Ben Affleck, would be snubbed during the 2013 Academy Awards.
Not only did Argo win best picture, the film also snagged Oscars for adapted screenplay and film editing. This is just the fourth time that a film has won best picture without its director being nominated as well.
Affleck won an Oscar 15 years ago for his and Matt Damon’s original screenplay, Good Will Hunting , reports The Los Angeles Times .
And the actor/director reflected on the journey he went on between the two films. Affleck commented, “I never thought I would be back here.”
The drama about rescuing hostages in Tehran during Iran’s revolution was expected to win the Oscar, even though fans suspected the film would be snubbed. The speculation came after Ben Affleck appeared to be snubbed in the director category.
During Affleck’s acceptance speech for Argo, the actor/director thanked his wife, and gave homage to the other eight films nominated in the category. Fox News notes that Ben Affleck stated:
“There are eight great films that have every right, as much a right to be up here as we do.”
While Argo’s best picture win may not have been a huge surprise, at least to most, the award’s second presenter certainly was. Jack Nicholson introduced First Lady Michelle Obama , who appeared via satellite to help present the Best Picture award.
Check out the video below to see Argo win Best Picture at the Oscars.