In March, Special Counsel Robert Mueller wrapped up his investigation into Russian election meddling and related matters, and in April the Justice Department released a redacted version of Mueller’s final report. Mueller cleared Trump and members of his campaign of conspiring with Russia, leaving room for speculation about whether Trump had obstructed justice or not but refusing to charge the president with the crime.
Trump and his allies have claimed vindication, and House Democrats have shifted their focus to obstruction of justice, possible impeachment proceedings, and new investigations. This appears to be helping the president, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS April 25 through 28.
Donald Trump’s approval rating has hit its highest level since April 2017, and the percentage of those who say they strongly approve of the president’s job performance is higher than ever.
Forty-three percent of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job, and 53 percent disapprove. Thirty-five percent of Americans strongly approve of the president’s performance in the White House.
The release of Mueller’s report appears to have affected the public’s opinion about House investigations as well, according to the poll. Forty-four percent of Americans now believe that the Democrats are going too far with their investigations — only 38 percent believed this to be the case in March.
With Robert Mueller’s investigation finished, Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its highest level since April 2017, a new CNN poll shows
— CNN (@CNN) May 1, 2019
While Americans appear concerned about Democratic overreach, 58 percent believe that Congress should investigate whether the president had obstructed justice. Sixty-one percent believe that the House should pursue legal action to obtain the full Mueller report without redactions.
Accusations of obstruction of justice have reignited impeachment talks, and some Democrats have openly called for impeachment proceedings to begin. The majority of the public appears to disagree, however — 59 percent of Americans think Trump should not be impeached and removed from office, and 37 believe that he should. Forty-five percent feel strongly that the president should not be impeached.
On virtually all issues, Americans are divided along party lines. When it comes to job approval, 86 percent of Republicans approve of the president’s governance and only 5 percent of Democrats. Trump’s approval rating has soared among independents, however — nearly half of them support the president.
When it comes to issues related to the Mueller investigation, the public is divided. Forty-eight percent of Americans believe Trump obstructed justice and 45 percent that he did not. Similarly, about half of Americans believe Trump’s statements about the Mueller probe have been mostly false, while 43 percent believe they’ve been mostly true. Likewise, about half of Americans disapprove of the way Trump handled the release of the report.