Judge Judy Sheindlin has been a daytime television staple since her debut in 1996, and since that time, the reality star has rocked the same short, spiky hairdo. Now, Judge Judy has decided to switch her look up dramatically, prompting shocked responses from her fans around the world — including her longtime bailiff, Petri Hawkins Byrd.
As The Today Show shared, the famously sassy judge has let her locks grow out — including the trademark fringe she’s let frame her face for decades — and has been opting to pin her hair back in a sleek, low ponytail. Byrd took to Instagram to share a side-by-side shot of his boss’ former hairdo next to a snap of her latest choice and gave his opinion on the dramatic change.
Byrd said that although he tried to stay out of the opinion pool over Judge Judy’s new hair, fans had been haunting him for a response. He gave his verdict over the switch-up and shared that he does, in fact, prefer her hair in the short, choppy style fans have come to know and love over the years. He said he felt her old look was more sophisticated and “Judy-cial,” but his opinion is just that, and not “law.”
As Today also shared, the new coif has made its debut on her beloved daytime courtroom drama this week. Fans all over the world have weighed in with their opinions on the style, with many saying she resembles Ruth Bader Ginsberg with the new, mature look.
The Brooklyn native is well known for her brash personality, and in a sitdown with the Connecticut Post , she said that growing up in New York shaped her personality to be hard and overspoken, which has helped her out in the courtroom.
“I started this process of who I am as a child and there is a point when you are fully and completely cooked as a person. And that’s who you are. I remember as a practicing lawyer in family court, watching this judge, using poly-syllabic words to show off how smart he was,” she shared.
Judge Judy also added that seeing the judge over-pronounce words to assert his authority made her realize the type of lawmaker she wanted to be one day, and that those who ended up in her courtroom weren’t going to leave without understanding exactly what was happening to them, where they were going, and what kind of sentencing she was handing down.
She also shared her feelings on modern parenting and said that she’s shocked when young people visit her courtroom with their parents, whom she feels will often make excuses for their bad behavior. This, she feels, is a mistake.