LeSean McCoy picked the worst possible time to let his Twitter followers know that [AVENGERS SPOILER WITHHELD].
As the first round of the NFL Draft was kicking off on Thursday night and many fans turned to McCoy’s feed to get his thoughts on the Buffalo Bills’ pick, McCoy instead decided to tweet out one of the major revelations from the end of Avengers: Endgame . Fans of the series had been calling on friends and strangers alike not to spoil the long-awaited completion of the Infinity Saga, but McCoy caught an early showing of the movie and apparently couldn’t help himself in sharing one of the biggest secrets of the series.
The running back shared a tweet expressing disbelief at the movie’s ending, failing to alert fans that he was sharing a major spoiler and not heeding the suggestions from others that he delete it. In fact, McCoy continued to share his feelings throughout Friday, not only leaving up the original tweet, but referencing it several more times. The tweets (warning, you may not want to click if you are still waiting to see Avengers: Endgame ) have led to a visceral reaction from fans who were not expecting to have the series spoiled.
Some even suggested that the NFL suspend McCoy for the upcoming season for what they saw as an inexcusable breach in movie etiquette.
LeSean McCoy is not the only person sharing Avengers: Endgame spoilers online. Across social media, some movie-ruining trolls decided to drop spoilers in unexpected places where fans of the series would read them without warning. This included the Reddit board devoted to the Marvel series, where moderators were forced to shut it down temporarily and manually approve any new post to avoid people who were randomly posting spoilers.
“For precautionary purposes of course,” a moderator explained on /r/Marvel . “Also, spoilers are bad. We strive to keep this community spoiler-free, and due to recent events, we must take these measures to ensure that [is enforced]. Until we are more satisfied with our filter’s ability to weed out the influx of new spoilers, all posts will be subject to approval.”
LeSean McCoy spoiled Avengers: Endgame for a lot of people: https://t.co/vYs1vVU8mo pic.twitter.com/8hNZL7oGCg
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) April 26, 2019
Though the NFL has wide leeway to suspend players under its personal conduct policy, there isn’t exactly a precedent for a player being forced to sit out for ruining an Avengers movie. So while LeSean McCoy may have earned some enemies of his Avengers: Endgame tweets, his season is likely not in jeopardy.