Following the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report, calls for the impeachment of President Donald Trump intensified.
Mueller — who spent more than two years investigating President Donald Trump, and members of his campaign — found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, but seemingly suggested that the president may have obstructed justice, refraining from drawing a conclusion, and leaving the matter up to Congress.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the issue appears to be dividing the Democratic Party. Virtually all top Democrats — including chief proponents of the Trump-Russia theory: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler — came out against impeachment.
“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months, and the American people will make a judgement,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said.
Schiff argued against impeachment as well, suggesting that such a maneuver would not be supported by the GOP-controlled Senate, and Nadler called for more investigations stating that the party is “not there yet.”
House progressives and left wing activists called on the House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings, however. Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren suggested the same.
While it remains to be seen whether top Democrats will succumb to progressive pressure or not, the majority of American people oppose the impeachment of Donald Trump, according to a new Washington Post – ABC News poll.
According to the poll, 56 percent of Americans oppose the idea, and 37 percent support it. Unsurprisingly, Americans appear to be divided along partisan lines. Six-in-ten Democrats say they support the House of Representatives initiating impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, and 53 percent hold that view strongly.
Roughly nine-in-ten Republicans oppose impeachment, and 78 percent of them hold that view strongly. When it comes to independent voters, six-in-ten oppose impeachment.
27 senators were in Congress during Clinton’s impeachment. What would they do about Trump?
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 26, 2019
Fifty-three percent of Democrats, 56 percent of Republicans, and 51 percent of independents believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report was fair and balanced. Less than 30 percent in each of these groups consider the report biased.
JUST IN: 37% in new @ABC News/WaPo poll say Congress should initiate impeachment proceedings against Pres. Trump, a new low.
— ABC News (@ABC) April 26, 2019
The results are not as balanced when it comes to potential obstruction of justice outlined by Robert Mueller, however. Roughly 80 percent of Democrats believe that the president tried to tamper with Mueller’s probe, and roughly 80 percent of Republicans believe that he did not.
As the Washington Post notes, Trump has repeatedly insisted that Mueller has found no collusion and no obstruction, despite the report suggesting otherwise.