Newlyweds John and Abbie Duggar have been settling in as husband and wife ever since their November wedding. There is no doubt that they are one of the happiest couples ever. Fans always comment on how much joy is apparent on John David’s face. There are new pictures recently shared that reveal more of the couple’s radiant faces as they enjoy spring in Arkansas.
Another season of TLC’s Counting On has come and gone, but that hasn’t stopped the Duggar family from keeping fans updated on all of the happenings in their lives. John and Abbie posted a few current snapshots on their joint Instagram account on Wednesday as they reveal how they are spending their time together as the weather gets warmer.
The reality TV couple said that they have been spending time outdoors taking walks whenever they can. Abbie is seen wearing a blue flowery dress and sandals, while John is standing beside her wearing jeans and a collared shirt. They even snuck in a few kisses along the way and stopped to snap some photos of spring flowers.
Fans loved the new photos of the two of them. Even a couple of the Duggar girls caught wind of how cute the couple was. Anna Duggar called them adorable, while Jill Dillard said that they are “cute and beautiful.”
The TLC stars have been in a blissful state ever since they met about a year ago. Their whirlwind relationship surprised many, including the members of the Duggar family. Their courtship, engagement, and wedding were featured during the last season of Counting On . Fans have noticed how much John David smiles now. They have commented that love and joy are written all over his face these days.
Abbie Duggar had said that she was a little sad that she had to quit her nursing job back in Oklahoma when she and John got married. She is living in Arkansas now with her new husband, but it doesn’t appear that she has a new job yet. She did say in the last season of the reality show that she hopes to work at some point, even if it’s just to keep her nursing license current.
There haven’t been any hints yet of a pregnancy for John and Abbie, but there are plenty of other Duggar couples who are busily expanding their families. Jessa and Ben Seewald are expecting their third child in June, and Joe and Kendra just recently announced that they will be having their second baby sometime in the fall. Stay tuned to see who will be the next Duggar to make a baby announcement.