Modern Family actress Ariel Winter recently opened up about something very personal on social media.
According to People, Ariel Winter took to her Instagram Stories to answer questions from her followers this week, and ended up revealing some private details of her life in the process. The details largely surrounded issues related to her mental health and her weight.
Although Ariel also answered questions about her favorite TV show — and the workout moves she dislikes most — she also got deep when one follower asked her why she was so thin.
Winter revealed that her recent weight loss was due, in part, to a medication that she had been taking. She stopped taking this medication a few months back, which led to her most recent weight loss.
“For years I had been on anti-depressants that caused me to gain weight that I couldn’t lose no matter what I did. It was always frustrating for me because I wanted to be able to get fit and feel like the work I was doing was paying off, but it never felt that way. I had accepted it and moved on. I stayed on those medications for so long because the process is really long and difficult. I wasn’t ready to go through it again so I just accepted feeling eh instead of trying to find something to actually feel better.”
In the past, Ariel Winter was forced to defend herself against some of her followers who claimed that she was likely using drugs — and that this was the reason for her noticeable weight loss.
However, the actress revealed that she simply re-evaluated her combination of medications and found one that worked better for her. Winter added that once she stopped taking her previous anti-depressant, she dropped all of the weight she had been struggling to lose thanks to the changes in her metabolism, calling the side effect “unexpected.”
Meanwhile, the Modern Family star says that she also feels better mentally after making the medication switch, and that it has been a joy to work out and see a change in her body. However, she does claim that she would like to add on a few pounds of muscle — and even work on getting her curvy backside back into shape.
Ariel went on to say that her mental health, as well as her physical health, are extremely important to her. She related that she has been going to therapy every single week for the past six years, saying that she doesn’t know where she would be without it.
Fans can see more of Ariel Winter when Modern Family airs Wednesday nights on ABC.