Over the weekend, the cast of Teen Mom 2 went to New York City to film the upcoming reunion. While there was some drama, Chelsea Houska and her husband Cole DeBoer seemed to steer clear of any of that and, instead, enjoyed each other’s company. On Monday, Cole posted a photo of him together with his wife to Instagram and gushed over her in the caption.
“Jesus!! I somehow am lucky enough to be married to this bombshell @chelseahouska,” Cole wrote.
In the photo, Chelsea is wearing leopard print pants and a black shirt. She is wearing her long hair down with loose curls. To complete her look, she wore a pair of red high heels. Standing next to Chelsea, Cole is wearing a plaid shirt with a pair of jeans. He is smiling as he lovingly looks at his wife.
The couple married in October 2016 when Chelsea was pregnant with their child. However, the couple met during a chance meeting at a gas station.
In 2015, Chelsea opened up to Us Weekly about meeting Cole for the first time at a gas station.
“He was across at the other pump. And I looked, and he was staring at me. We didn’t even talk. We just kept looking at each other because we’re both shy.”
She opened more about seeing Cole for the first time, even admitting that she knew she was going to marry him!
“I went home to my friend and I was like, ‘I just saw the guy I’m going to marry at the gas station, but we didn’t talk.”
Of course, Chelsea assumed that would be the end of things since the two failed to talk during that first meeting, but fate intervened and Cole tracked down Chelsea on social media and reached out to her.
“A few days later, he contacted me on social media and was like, ‘Hi. I got gas next to you the other day.’ And I was like, ‘Thank you, Jesus.’”
The couple started dating and clearly, they clicked. Now, they are married and Chelsea has given birth to their son, Watson, and their daughter Layne (who shares a birthday with Chelsea.) Chelsea also has a daughter from her relationship with ex-boyfriend Adam Lind. While Adam hasn’t been an involved father, Cole has stepped up and been an awesome stepfather for Chelsea’s oldest daughter.
New episodes of Teen Mom 2 air Monday nights on MTV. Fans can tune in to catch up with Chelsea, her husband Cole, and their family.