Despite an idyllic home life in Anmer Hall with a lovely wife and three children, Prince William is said to be fuming. Despite his request for privacy, rumors have been rampant that his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, wants the Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley to be “phased out” of their social circle. However, friends and family of both the Cambridges of Cholmondeleys are strongly denying the reports, according to The Daily Mail.
“It has now become very upsetting and they are all concerned for each other, as they have never before had to start denying something for which these is no evidence or even a smidgen of truth. It is just mad,” according to a family friend of the marchioness.
The reports are particularly hard on Kate, who is said to have worked hard to “never put a foot wrong.” Nevertheless, she and Prince William put on a brave face while visiting the Irish Guards this past St. Patrick’s Day.
Meanwhile, Prince William allegedly believes that these stories are another hit piece on his wife, echoing the time when Kate was targeted by photographers when on a holiday in France.
Prince William successfully sued for damages in that case and was supposedly considering suing again, according to royal correspondent Richard Kay.
“Both sides have considered legal action but, because none of the reports have been able to offer any evidence about what the so-called dispute is about, they have chosen to ignore it.”
The rumors seemed to be particularly tantalizing because of the similarity between the two women. Both are young, glamorous mothers, living in Norfolk with aristocratic husbands. The two also seemingly have similar interests; for example, both Kate and Rose are patrons of the charity East Anglia Children’s Hospices. The marchioness was even considered of the “best dressed” at the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William.
Moreover, the fact that — despite these similarities — the two couples “have been to each other’s homes only three times” has only helped fuel the fire.
However, a source close to the family insists there is no drama.
“These hurtful rumours of a fall-out are simply false. William and David were in touch with each other over the weekend, not knowing whether to laugh or complain. Both wives are hurt by the suggestion that there is any argument or even a coolness between them. They have plans for future events involving their charity.”
Prince William is known to be extremely wary of the media, and blames the death of his late mother, Princess Diana, on their incessant harassment. Unfortunately, these rumors do little to help dispel his mistrust.