On Monday night, a new episode of Teen Mom 2 aired on MTV. Fans watched as Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree, went to spend time with her paternal grandparents. While everything should have gone fine, Aubree’s biological father, Adam Lind, showed up at his parents’ house while his daughter was there. According to an article from Pop Culture , Chelsea and Cole were not happy to hear about this, especially since Adam is not supposed to be around Aubree when she is visiting his parents, per a court order.
On the episode, Adam’s mom sent a text message to Chelsea when Adam showed up. Understandably, Chelsea was upset.
“We had already talked and said that she wasn’t going to be there if he was there,” Chelsea explained.
Cole wasn’t too happy about the situation either and he left to go pick up Aubree. Once Cole arrived to get Aubree, Adam’s mom wondered where she could pick up Aubree again after Adam left, but Cole explained that wouldn’t be happening.
This led Chelsea and Cole to rethink the adoption situation with Aubree. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Adam Lind gave up his rights to his youngest biological daughter. Cole has been open about his willingness to adopt Aubree, but both Chelsea and Cole want it to be Aubree’s idea rather than that of her mom and stepdads. They don’t want Aubree to resent them in the future for making that decision for her.
Although Cole has not formally adopted Aubree, she does have his last name. Chelsea had Aubree’s last name hyphenated so that it reflects both the last name Lind and DeBoer.
Fans met Chelsea Houska on her Season 2 episode of 16 and Pregnant when she found out she was pregnant with Aubree. Chelsea continued to share her story on Teen Mom 2 and has been doing so for years. While Aubree is her oldest child, Chelsea also has two other children.
Chelsea gave birth to her son, Watson, in January, 2017. Her son recently turned 2-years-old and Chelsea shared a video of him showing off his counting skills, as previously reported by The Inquisitr .
Chelsea gave birth to her daughter, Layne, on August 29, 2018. That also happens to be Chelsea’s birthday. Recently, Chelsea revealed that her 6-month-old daughter is talking and that the word she is saying is “dada.”
New episodes of Teen Mom 2 air Monday nights on MTV. Fans can catch up with Chelsea Houska and her family.