A new Respect for Marriage Coalition advertisement features Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, and Colin Powell. The group is using for an end to the Defense of Marriage Act. The gay rights commercial features the well-known conservatives speaking in favor of same-sex marriage.
The anti-DOMA advertisement also features comments about lesbians and gays from the inaugural address last month. The Respect for Marriage Coalition is the result of a combined effort between the Freedom to Marry and Human Rights Campaign groups. The coalition is prepared to spend $1 million to air the gay rights ad.
In addition to the gay rights video spot, full-page ads will also be placed in The Washington Post , The New York Times , and The Wall Street Journal . The Respect for Marriage Coalition video is entitled simply, “Leadership.”
A voice over in the ad states Americans are becoming more supportive of same-sex marriage and gay rights. Public opinion polls support the claim, The Blaze notes. An excerpt from the gay rights ad featuring Laura Bush and Dick Cheney reads:
“None of us would want to be told we can’t marry the person we love. That’s why a growing majority of Americans believe it’s time to allow marriage for gay and lesbian couples.”
The gay marriage ad Laura Bush segment shows the former First Lady during a CNN interview in 2010.
Bush is noted as saying that committed couples in love should be able to have the “same sorts of rights” that everyone else have. The Dick Cheney is quoted as saying, “Freedom means freedom for everyone.”
How do you feel about gay marriage and DOMA?
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