Meghan Markle’s half-sister Samantha is speaking out against alleged threats she claims to have received from the duchess’s fans. Speaking to the Sun , she asserted that Meghan’s supporters have said that they would throw acid on her or try to kill her by other means. This revelation comes after Samantha was placed on Scotland Yard’s “fixated person watchlist.”
As the Inquisitr previously reported, Samantha is on the list because of her potential to embarrass the royal family. Her name was reportedly added after a conversation with the duchess’s security team.
Samantha railed against the notion that she poses any danger to the royal family.
“I have to use an electric wheelchair,” she said to the Sun. “So how anybody can call me a threat or a stalker is absolutely absurd.”
As ET Canada reports, in October of last year, Samantha Markle hand-delivered a letter to Kensington Palace addressed to her half-sister. Some media outlets claimed that she was turned away from the royal gates, but she insists that those rumors are untrue.
“Yes I went to drop off a letter to Kensington Palace when I was in England after I was invited to be on the Jeremy Vine show on behalf of my father but I wasn’t trying to get in to say hello,” she continued. “You know, I don’t have Meghan’s phone number or any way of contacting her. She’s not available to either side of the family, not just the Markles.”
She said that the letter contained an earnest plea for Meghan to communicate with her father, Thomas Markle. There’s speculation that Meghan Markle has cut her father off completely after he gave a series of interviews to the press about her.
Samantha claims that her father’s health has worsened because of this falling out with his royal daughter. Mr. Markle had a heart attack days before the royal wedding last year, rendering him unable to attend and walk his daughter down the aisle. Prince Harry’s father Prince Charles did so in his absence.
Despite these alleged threats against her life, Samantha Markle has confirmed that she is still putting out a tell-all book about her life as the duchess’s half-sister. On January 3, she announced that In The Shadow Of The Duchess will be “coming soon” but did not offer a precise release date, the Inquisitr reported. The book’s previous title was The Diary Of Princess Pushy’s Sister.
Samantha Markle has taken back her Christmas greeting to Meghan Markle in a heated tweet.
— E! News (@enews) December 26, 2018