50 Cent and Wendy Williams’ feud has been ongoing and 50’s latest Instagram post has only added more fuel to the fire. Earlier this week, the former radio personality made headlines when reports began circulating about her husband’s latest cheating scandal. Not only has Kevin Hunter been accused of cheating on Wendy Williams, but it is also rumored that he’s fathered a child with his rumored mistress.
Since Wendy has often shared her blunt opinion of other celebrities’ lives, fans have wasted no time sharing their brutally honest opinion of the rumored marital problems she’s facing. In addition to the fans, 50 Cent has also used the scandal as an opportunity to slam Wendy Williams.
While 50 Cent’s latest social media antics are no different than any of his previous stunts, many fans think he may have gone a bit too far this time around. According to Hollywood Life , on Thursday, December 27, 50 Cent took to Instagram with multiple posts sharing his reaction to Kevin Hunter’s latest cheating scandal. The first post 50 Cent shared contained a screen capture of BET’s headline about the cheating scandal, which included a photo of Wendy Williams and her husband. The rapper/actor also included a scathing caption criticizing Wendy for constantly sharing her opinion about the private lives of others. With that photo, 50 wrote “The world’s most famous side chick Wendy Williams,” adding, “Always in somebody s*** [but] she never talk about this.”
Hours later, he shared a second photo of a monster. Below that photo, he also included Wendy Williams’ picture. He captioned the post, “Ok before make up, and after make up.Un Hun get the strap#lecheminduroi #bellator.”
50 Cent’s posts follow a string of reports about Wendy Williams’ husband. A few months ago, Kevin Hunter found himself at the center of controversy when it was reported that he’d purchased a home for his longtime lover. At the time, Wendy Williams refuted the rumors during the “Hot Topics” segment of her talk show. But for most fans, the latest rumors have raised some speculation about Wendy’s previous claims regarding her husband.
“Hot Topics” is also the reason why Wendy Williams is being scrutinized for her husband’s alleged actions. From the good and the bad to the ugly, Wendy Williams has often shared her opinion on an array of topics. So, when reports surface about her husband, she typically faces heightened backlash.
Despite the rumors and the scathing reports, Wendy Williams has made it clear that she will not be leaving her husband.