The celebrations for Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are still not over, People is reporting. The first wedding reception was two weeks ago in New Delhi, and now Chopra’s mother, Madhu, is throwing the happy couple a second one. The two have been recognized for their elegance and style this year, and the wardrobe choice for their second reception was no exception to this pattern. Chopra consulted with India-based designer Sabyasachi, who provided the bride with a custom strapless navy ballgown with intricate gold embroidery. Chopra also donned an embroidered dupatta shawl and accessorized with a vintage diamond necklace, rings, stacked bracelets and stud earrings by Sabyasachi. For the first reception, Chopra also wore a dupatta shawl, but instead of a ballgown, she opted to wear a long, traditional skirt with a cropped shirt.
Jonas, for his part, looked as dapper as ever for the second reception and was pictured in a navy suit and black button-up shirt. Not only has the couple been traveling all over the world for these ceremonies and their honeymoon in Oman, but Jonas recently traveled to the United States to watch the Canelo vs. Rocky fight with his brother Joe. Joe, who was also his best man for the wedding, accompanied Jonas to a Knicks game on Monday before he returned to Mumbai on Tuesday. According to another article from People , Chopra went to New York City during this time.
Chopra and Jonas had a Western/Christian ceremony on December 1 at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, with Jonas’ father, a pastor, officiating. The next day, the two had a more traditional Indian/Hindu ceremony.
“I love that our wedding was a religious mash-up,” Chopra said of her ceremonies.
“We took beautiful traditions that we both grew up with and personalized them in a way that made sense for us. It’s been incredible to find the commonalities between our beliefs and figuring out how to blend them in a respectful and meaningful way.”
Not only were there two weddings and two receptions, but there were also multiple celebrations beforehand. The couple honored Chopra’s background and beliefs by participating in traditional festivities like a Mehendi ceremony, where both the bride and groom received detailed henna designs on their hands. This was followed by a Sangeet, an extravagant party that includes musical performances.
After this second reception, it’s assumed that the celebrations will be winding down. Now, Jonas and Chopra will have to embark on normal married life.