California Gun Control Bill Faces Stiff Opposition From Gun Rights Groups

Published on: February 8, 2013 at 4:33 PM

A California gun control bill would allow for the potential confiscation of legally owned weapons. If the legislation gains passage, strict ammunition regulations will be enacted. Owners of the 166,000 estimated semi-automatic rifles in the state could lose their guns.

California Democrats are reportedly pushing for the new gun control bill to become law. Provisions in the bill call for all semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines to be banned, Mercury News reports. If the gun control legislation becomes law, the mandates may be the toughest in the country.

Democratic State Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg supports the gun control bill, The Blaze notes. Senator Steinberg had this to say about the California gun legislation:

“California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough. We can save lives by curbing the proliferation of guns designed to be fired and reloaded rapidly. We can save lives by getting guns and ammunition out of the hands of the wrong people. We can save lives if every gun owner knows how to safely handle those guns. And if we can save lives, we must act to do so.”

The Democratic California Senator also claimed that he supports the Second Amendment and the use of guns for hunting, sport, and home defense. Gun rights advocates oppose the California gun control bill. The pro-gun supporters feel the legislation infringes upon the Second Amendment and is therefore unconstitutional.

Gene Hoffman, co-founder of the Calguns Foundation, had this to say about the potential gun ban:

“Almost every item in the proposal is wildly unconstitutional.”

The Redwood City gun rights group representative also stated that the governmental overreach may accelerate the speed at which the Supreme Court “takes these ideas off the table.”

The California gun control bill would also require anyone purchasing ammunition to undergo a background check. The cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles already follow such a policy. Anyone legally barred from owning a weapon would not be allowed to live in a home where weapons exist.

Do you think the California gun control bill infringes upon the Second Amendment?

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