Dakota Johnson, the star of Fifty Shades of Grey wants you to tell her your stories of sexual assault and abuse, and she’s welcoming her followers or anyone else to leave her a message on her voicemail. Johnson says that if you want to tell her your story, she will listen.
The Hill reports that when you call (212) 653-8806, which is a New York Number, it goes right to a voicemail with Johnson’s voice.
“This is Dakota Johnson. Please leave a voicemail after the tone and I will record and share your story so we can live in a world where she is equal. Thank you.”
Johnson adds that every day, women are harassed and abused, and many don’t have an outlet to at least vent.
“Women and girls in every corner of the world face extreme violence and sexual harassment on a daily basis. Over 800 women and adolescent girls die every day because they do not have access to reliable contraceptives and basic maternity services.”
Though Dakota Johnson didn’t mention a particular occurrence, she posted this message at a time which coincided with the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and a speech from Donald Trump apologizing for “all that he’s been through” to be confirmed.
The testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was a trigger for many women around the world and the National Sexual Assault Hotline is reporting an “unprecedented” 147% spike in calls during and following Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.
On her Instagram page, Johnson explained that she wanted to compile all of the stories along with Global Citizen to make sure they are all heard.
Johnson isn’t the only celebrity who wants to help and represent the voices of women everywhere. Coyote Ugly star, as the Inquisitr previously reported, Piper Perabo was arrested while protesting against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Representatives from Women’s March and Code Pink filled the gallery in order to make their voices heard while the now Supreme Court Justice testified and answered questions about sexual assault allegations.
Perabo posted on Twitter that she was proud to have been arrested for standing up for the rights of women.
“This morning I was arrested with women from @womensmarch @CPDAction @lsarsour @jeppsaddison @HeidiSpeaks @woodra @WaywardWinifred. Proud to stand with them, and stand up for equal rights. #StopKavanaugh #BrettBye.”
Perabo added that nobody was violent, and yet they were rounded up with plastic handcuffs and carted off.
“Many protesters voiced their opposition out of concern Kavanaugh would change the status quo on abortion, health care, gun rights and other issues likely to come before the court in decades to come.”