ET Online shared the news of the latest clip previewing Monday’s episode of Teen Mom OG. In the clip, 27-year-old Bristol Palin speaks about the split with her ex-husband Dakota Meyer, giving insight on what led to the couple’s divorce. The couple was married one and a half years before splitting up this past February. They have two daughters together: Sailor, two, and Atlee, one. Palin is also mother to her nine-year-old son Tripp from a previous relationship.
“We’re both unhappy… I’m more lonely now than I’ve ever been. And I know that he’s probably more lonely now than he’s ever been. I think that we don’t know how to coexist together at all,” said Palin in the sneak-peek.
However, it doesn’t appear that Palin regrets the decision to split with her ex. She told ET last month that she felt she rushed into marriage too quickly, and that the two of them are better off apart. In the clip, Palin apologized to Meyer for her “coldness.”
“I fully take responsibility of becoming cold. And I am sorry… I don’t think that you deserve to have a wife that’s that way, and I want you to have a sense of peace… I do feel like we are better people when we’re not together,” Palin said.
Bristol Palin and her ex Dakota Meyer have no plans to reunite. Here’s why:
— HollywoodLife (@HollywoodLife) October 7, 2018
According to HollywoodLife , Bristol Palin and her ex-husband Meyer suffered marriage problems during the making of Teen Mom OG , so fans can expect to probably see the beginning of that on Monday’s episode. Reportedly, an inside source from Teen Mom told HollywoodLife exclusively that there is “zero chance” of the two ever getting back together.
“There’s truly no hope at all that Dakota and Bristol will ever get back together. Seriously, that ship has well and truly sailed,” the unnamed source allegedly said.
The source also said that Palin and Meyer only communicate through text and email, but keep their connections civil for the sake of their children. Apparently, Meyer refuses to speak to Palin as much as possible because he feels she had no empathy in their relationship as he navigated PTSD from his time in the military. The source adds that Meyer is now focusing on being a good father to his children while taking better care of himself as he recovers from his trauma.
“He needs to heal, and there was never any way that could happen while he was with Bristol,” the source told HollywoodLife.