Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra has been staying very busy lately with work on her films — another film is set to release soon that she is gearing up for a press junket to support — and her modeling, which is seemingly endless. Chopra was recently doing a shoot for Filmfare , as she will be gracing an upcoming cover. Luckily for her 15.5 million Instagram followers, she was able to share one of the shots with them, in which she looks particularly sexy floating in a pool, clad only in a stunning red bikini.
Chopra has been in the news a lot lately, even in North America where she has a large fan base of movie lovers that follow her every move. Times of India has been giving her heavy coverage as of late regarding her upcoming film Namaste England , with her costar Arjun Kapoor. The story is about a man going to England to try to convince his estranged wife to go back to India with him so they can try to mend fences and rebuild a life, and their love for one another. The promotion for the film is ramping up now, which is why, in part, Chopra just completed her spread for Filmfare .
The Times of India also reported that Arjun Kapoor’s grandmother, Nirmal Kapoor, is a big fan of Chopra, and thinks she is the best actress he’s ever worked with. She is such a big fan of Chopra, that she thinks they should not only work together more, but maybe even get hitched in real life. They are a good looking couple, and it is hard to deny that they have some serious on-screen chemistry going on, as Arjun Kapoor relayed the words of his grandmother to Daily Hunt .
“After watching Namaste England’s trailer, dadi said that out of all of my costars, I look best on screen with Parineeti. She thinks that Parinetti is the best bride for me in real life as well.”
Chopra has been using her Instagram account to promote Namaste England quite liberally, as do many Bollywood stars. She has included an assortment of video clips and stills, both official releases and a few behind the scenes shots. India Today has posted what is believed to be the October Filmfare cover featuring Chopra in a black bikini, citing her washboard abs and sexy look as one of the reasons that she is among the most in-demand actresses in Bollywood today.