Halle Berry took to Instagram late Tuesday to share a photo of herself in the orange bikini made famous when she rocked it on the big screen in Die Another Day.
The 52-year-old actress posted the photo to invite her fans to participate in her “beach body contest,” which requires those wishing to take part to share photos of their summer fitness transformation with the hashtag “HBBEACHBODY.” The contest’s winner will get to fly to Los Angeles for a special training session with Berry and her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas.
“Remember, this is so much more than looking good in a bikini, it’s about FEELING good in your body. I want to see how your CONFIDENCE transformed this Summer as a result of loving yourself and putting your health and wellness first,” Berry wrote in the caption.
Berry’s fans flocked to the comment section to praise the Catwoman star for the initiative and her gorgeous body.
“Bond lady you looked awesome then and even better now; great job as an actress and inspiration for others,” one Instagram user wrote, another took the opportunity to share how her fitness tips have of help: “You are n inspiration, thanks for sharing your workout routine, it has helped me so much, n you always need someone to inspire us.”
Berry often uses her social media presence to share her fitness routine and tips and discuss health and confidence. Last week, the actress shared a photo of herself with Thomas as the “fitness couple” teamed up again for another hashtag “FitnessFriday,” as the Inquisitr previously reported. The pair has worked together to launch a series called hashtag “PHITtalks” on Berry’s Instagram page as a way to answer questions from fans about Berry’s fitness routines and tips on healthy living and wellness.
Earlier this year, Thomas, whom Berry credits as her “secret weapon,” talked to People about the actress’ athleticism and praised her dedication to fitness and wellness.
“I had no idea what her age was when I met her. I never looked or was interested in that and when I found out I was absolutely shellshocked because she has the discipline and athleticism of a 25-year old,” Thomas said.
Berry’s five-day-a-week training routine with Thomas is a combination of exercise techniques, which includes martial arts, boxing, yoga and “a lot of military training [like] the Navy Seals would do,” he told the magazine. Also key to their routine is the element of surprise, he said. Berry never knows what she’s going to be doing that day.