All In aired live Saturday night on the FITE network. The Elite (Cody and brothers Nick and Matt Jackson) kicked off All In’s pre-show, Zero Hour , by addressing the sold-out crowd in Chicago’s Sears Centre Arena. Among the 10,000 in attendance, John Mayer was enjoying the action from the front row. Cody and The Young Bucks looked like they were having a blast as they comically released some pyro in the arena. Cody got on the mic an announced that every big wrestling pay-per-view must feature a cameo of a famous wrestler, and Animal from the Legion of Doom rode out in a motorcycle.
Many fans and pundits alike feel that All In is the most significant wrestling event in years, as it shows that the WWE isn’t the only big dog in town when it comes to domestic shows and throwing major pay-per-views. Cody and Matt and Nick Jackson used their own money for All In , and it is the first time that any of the three have thrown an event of this magnitude. All In featured wrestlers from numerous wrestling promotions and indie companies, including Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Impact Wrestling, and Pro Wrestling Guerilla.
SoCal Uncensored vs. The Briscoe Brothers
WGN aired All In: Zero Hour live, and a tag team contest kicked off the pre-show. The Briscoes (brothers Mark and Jay) faced Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky of SoCal Uncensored. Sky and Kazarian donned wrestling gear that paid tribute to Apollo Creed and Rocky Balboa from Rocky IV . As expected, these two teams put on a great match, and they got the Chicago crowd fired up.
Hol up… Is that @JohnMayer ??? ??
Everyone is #ALLIN @ALL_IN_2018
— DJ Genie ???? (@DJGenie) September 1, 2018
The Briscoes got the heat on Scorpio Sky. Eventually, Scorpio made the hot-tag to Kazarian, and the comeback-shine of the match ensued. The action spilled to the outside of the ring, and Sky took to the sky, as he leaped over the top rope, taking out The Briscoes. Eventually, the heels once again took over the match. For the finish, The Briscoes went for the doomsday device, but Frankie caught Mark in the air and hit a powerslam for the three-count. Sky and Kazarian were victorious in the opening match at All In: Zero Hour .
Over Budget Battle Royal
The battle royal featured a litany of famous professional wrestlers, and the winner would go on to face Jay Lethal for the Ring of Honor Championship later in the evening. Colt Cabana, Bully Ray, Billy Gunn, Rocky Romero, Brian Cage, Jordynne Grace, and Hurricane Helms were among the many superstars featured in the battle royal.
Bleacher Report describes the finish for the over-budget battle royal.
“Late in the match, Grace showed tremendous strength in eliminating the massive Cage and then teamed up with Cabana to deliver The Dudley Boyz’s trademark headbutt to Ray.”
“Ray eliminated Grace and Cabana but was then eliminated by an unknown luchador, who removed his mask and revealed himself to be Flip Gordon. The much-maligned star eliminated Ray and earned himself a shot at Jay Lethal’s title.”
YEEEEEES!!! @TheFlipGordon wins the Over the Budget Battle Royal, and will face Jay Lethal for the @ringofhonor World Title later tonight! #ALLIN
— The New Age Insiders (@NewAgeInsiders) September 1, 2018
If you missed the wrestling action live, you can stream the All In replay on the FITE network.