Rumors have been swirling around Apple’s new releases for the past few months. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Apple’s next product launch event is scheduled for September 12 at Steve Jobs theater in Cupertino, California. Over the past week, Apple announced the event date and sent out media invitations that caused ripples throughout social media, as Twitter was filled with speculation about the hidden meanings in the invitation design. Analysts have also shared their best guesses about the next round of new products, including three new iPhones and the Apple Watch Series 4.
The buzz around the launch event intensified as leaked photos of the new iPhone XS and XS Plus, and of the Apple Watch Series 4, made their way to the media. Immediately, users on Twitter posted theories about how the leak could have happened and who was responsible.
“HOW IN THE HELL DID THIS LEAK? Like, I’m genuinely shocked. Icons in OS code is one thing (and really dumb), as is early releases of software. But a press photo? How did this happen?!” one Twitter user asked.
Tweets flew back and forth, with some users arguing that the leak was an intentional communication strategy by Apple, while others said that the leak was a bad mistake on Apple’s part and would not have happened under Steve Jobs.
HOW IN THE HELL DID THIS LEAK? Like, I’m genuinely shocked. Icons in OS code is one thing (and really dumb), as is early releases of software. But a press photo? How did this happen?!
— Christina Warren (@film_girl) August 30, 2018
On Saturday, inquiring minds may have gotten their answer about the source of the leak.
BGR reports that previously, many leaks came from Apple’s component suppliers and manufacturing partners in China. Apple insider and TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is a notorious source of leaks about the details and specs of new Apple products.
This year though, the source of the leak was revealed to be right under Apple’s nose. When Apple sent out media invitations to the September 12 launch event, the company also accidentally shared information and photos of the new releases on a public server. An iOS developer caught the error and posted about the mistake on an Apple news blog, with 9to5Mac sharing exclusive photos with the public.
Business Insider reports that this is not the first time that 9to5Mac has posted spoilers and leaked details about Apple’s upcoming products. Last year, the blog shared details about Apple releases found in a nonpublic version of Apple iOS software leaked on Reddit and Apple blogs.
Although the leaked photos confirmed some of the rumors that had been circulating online about the new iPhone XS, iPhone XS Plus, and Apple Watch Series 4, there are still many surprises in store at the September 12 event.