Model Caitlin McHugh welcomed her first child, Billy, into the world in April. The 32-year-old, who is married to actor John Stamos, recently went back to work and shared a story from her photoshoot on her Instagram with the caption “Back to work.” McHugh danced around in the story, flaunting her post-baby body in a red bikini. But according to US Weekly , not everyone was supportive of the new mom’s bikini body.
McHugh posted a screenshot of her story and a message that read, “You’re a Mother now. Gross, tattoo and all.”
But McHugh had the perfect reply, saying, “not as gross as trolling.”
Stamos liked his wife’s Instagram story and gushed over her photos from the shoot. “MILF-wife Life,” he wrote on one photo. “Good gosh!” he stated on another.
Stamos is no stranger to criticism from random strangers. After posting a photo of himself holding his son while on a family trip to New York, the Full House and Scream Queens -alum said, “A lot of people were commenting, ‘You can’t be holding him like that and you shouldn’t be bringing him there yet, he’s too young!’ I have so many dad-shamers. It’s crazy.”
Stamos added that he feels the best part about being a parent is the time spent thinking about the future of one’s family. As Entertainment Tonight reports, Stamos and McHugh are already looking forward to having another child.
Stamos and McHugh started dating in 2016 and made their first public appearance together in July after attending San Diego Comic-Con. They became engaged in October of 2017 and announced her pregnancy in December. The pair wed in a lavish ceremony held at Stamos’ Beverly Hills home.
When asked about her relationship with Stamos in January 2017, McHugh told Entertainment Tonight that she’s “very happy.” She added that Stamos is “super supportive” and that she “really couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“We like to keep our lives private because we’ve seen what relationships in the public eye can be like and we just like our privacy,” she added. When their pregnancy was announced, Stamos said he always wanted to have children and that it felt like he finally found the right woman.
McHugh is Stamos’ second marriage. The 54-year-old had previously been married to actress Rebecca Romijn from 1998-2005. In 2007, Romijn married actor Jerry O’Connell. The pair has two children together: Dolly Rebecca Rose O’Connell and Charlie Tamara Tulip O’Connell.