Donald Trump seems to have a method to his Twitter insults, and a racist intention behind one of his most-common insults, one Ohio Democrat believes.
Congressman Tim Ryan said that Trump has a tendency to mention a lack of intelligence almost exclusively when he’s taking on a person of color, which was the case with Trump’s infamous tweet on Friday calling LeBron James unintelligent. As The Hill noted, Ryan said it is clear that Trump has a racial intention and accused Trump of race-baiting.
“The president is always interested in race-baiting,” Ryan said on MSNBC. “He’s always interested in finding a black person or a brown person to call ‘dumb’ or to stereotype in some way.”
The attack on LeBron James could also be personal for Tim Ryan. He represents a district in Ohio that includes LeBron’s hometown of Akron, where the NBA star last week opened a school that caters to underprivileged youth. James has also donated tens of million dollars of his own money so that these students can attend college, and Business Insider noted that his personal commitment to helping inner-city students attend college is expected to eventually top $100 million.
“That’s the kind of leadership we need in this country, not the kind we’re getting in the White House,” Ryan said.
Tim Ryan is not the only one who has pointed out that Donald Trump almost exclusively insults intelligence when attacking famous people of color. Trump has used his favorite “low IQ” insult several times for Congresswoman Maxine Waters, but has not made such accusations against white opponents who have made criticisms similar or even identical to those Waters has made in regard to the President.
Trump’s attack on the IQ and intelligence of @RepMaxineWaters @KingJames and other prominent black Americans is right out of the white supremacist playbook. And given trump’s racist history this isn’t a coincidence. My new @CNNOpinion article:
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) August 5, 2018
This is apparently what the President of the United States feels the need to share with the world at what should be long past his bedtime? It’s a disgrace. It’s racist. And it’s the product of petty but dangerous hatreds. I repeat this is the PRESIDENT??!?
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) August 4, 2018
There’s a lot of insults the president could have hurled at LeBron and Don Lemon, but it says something that the president openly questioned their intelligence. Gee, wonder why.
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) August 4, 2018
The allegations of racism stretch back into the 2016 campaign, the Los Angeles Times noted.
“During his campaign and presidency, Trump frequently has used racially charged language, particularly in talking about Latino immigrants. He faced his strongest backlash nearly a year ago for failing to immediately condemn the deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., during a march by white supremacists and neo-Nazis, many of them armed, and for equating them with anti-racism protesters who turned out.”
Others have noted that Donald Trump frequently attacks high-profile black athletes and entertainers while more frequently holding his tongue when criticism comes from their white counterparts. Last year, Trump suggested that ESPN should fire anchor Jemele Hill, a black woman who posted a tweet calling Trump a “white supremacist.”