Actor Mark Hamill made a surprise appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live during Kimmel’s announcement about British auctioneers at Prop Store auctioning off Harrison Ford’s Han Solo jacket from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back at an estimated $1.3 million expected selling price. Entertainment Weekly shared a release about Hamill’s appearance on the show, where the celebrity whipped out a pair of red capri pants and a gigantic hairball, offering his own auction for obviously fake movie props.
“For one night and one night only, I’m prepared to offer your audience a pair of Luke Skywalker’s capri pants!”
Kimmel held the capri pants, remarking that they were nice while looking confused. Whether he was in on the joke or not is anyone’s guess. But what happened next had audience members clapping in laughter and amusement.
Hamill told the host and his captivated audience that the pants were in the original Star Wars trilogy, and they, of course, were not. Kimmel, who like many in the audience were possibly thinking, stated out loud that he did not recall ever seeing Mark Hamill wearing such a pair of red capri pants while playing the role of Luke Skywalker. To back up his humored claim, Hamill then presented Kimmel and viewers with two altered stills from the films, featuring the bright red capri pants.
Telling Kimmel and the audience that he once called this pair of capri pants his “Luke High Waters,” he then also said, “Sometimes I called them my Padawan Pedal Pushers.”
As the image of Luke battling Darth Vader flash across the backdrop screen, Hamill explained “I loved the feeling of that cool breeze on my ankles when I was fighting Dad Vader. It was great.” He continued to reminisce about Return of the Jedi and his calf revealing britches.
His fake auction was a steal compared to the $1.3 million Han Solo jacket that is actually being authentically auctioned off, Hamill exclaimed. He was asking audience members for only a mere $100,000 to start with.
Still “a little bit steep” of a price for audience members, Kimmel said to Hamill, remarking, “I don’t think these girls have a 100,000 dollars.”
“You think that’s a little pricey?” the sci-fi veteran reverberated before saying, “Well how about $50,000, and I’ll throw in a Chewbacca hairball!” in an attempt to sweeten his deal.
Of course, as he asked audience members to let him see paddles in this mock, surprise auction, no one had paddles, to which Hamill stuffed his pants and hairball back into the pack slung across his arm, storming off and saying, “Beam me up, Scotty!” Kimmel corrected him, letting Hamill know he was actually quoting Star Trek instead of his own famous franchise. To that, Hamill shot back at the host.
“Oh whatever, you nerd.”