Last night after Rachel Swindler was evicted from the Big Brother house, host Julie Chen revealed that a new twist would be coming into play on Season 20. With two power apps still in play, the reveal of another twist was somewhat surprising for Big Brother fans. Julie didn’t reveal any details regarding the new twist other than its name: the Hacker Competition. Thankfully, the live feeds revealed that the houseguests were given some information on the twist which was then relayed to the viewers.
According to Big Brother Network , the houseguests were given a little bit of information regarding the Hacker Competition. Some of the powers that were revealed to viewers of the live feeds could dramatically change the course of the game. One of these powers included the ability to change the nominations made by the current Head Of Household, and the ability to choose who will play in the Veto Competition.
A new Hacker Competition will take place every week, but there have been no details explaining how many weeks the new twist will run for. The ability for the winner to change the HOH’s nominations is the same power Bayleigh Dayton currently holds for winning the fourth and final power app. No matter what the HOH’s nominations are, Bayleigh can completely veto them and put up her own two houseguests for eviction. The flight attendant can use this power one time until Week 8, and so far there have been no rumblings on the live feeds of her choosing to mess with current HOH, Angela Rummans, upcoming nominees.
Have a question for the new HOH? Tweet it and #BBAngela may answer! #BB20
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 3, 2018
Tyler Crispin still holds his advantage as well after he was granted the Cloud Power App. This allows Tyler to keep himself from being put on the block until Week 8. However, Tyler must use his power just before the HOH names their nominees, meaning it could be completely wasted if he was never on the HOH’s radar to begin with.
A live feeds Twitter account has documented some of the conversations between houseguests regarding the new Hacker Competition, with Sam Bledsoe suggesting all the houseguests should refuse to play in the competition so they are in total control of the game. For now, it appears as if all the houseguests are going to throw the competition to Sam who has sworn not to use the power at all. Her plan could go awry if another houseguest decides they need the new power to ensure their safety in the game.
SO much is in store for Sunday’s episode. See you then! #BB20
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 3, 2018
The nominations ceremony has already taken place but the live feeds have been blacked out because the Hacker Competition will take place immediately after.
Sam- We have control again. We are taking the whole thing (hacker power) away, and then everybody can go back to their regular scheduled program #BB20
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) August 3, 2018
To see who goes up on the block and if the Hacker Competition plays out currently as planned, watch Big Brother this Sunday night at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.