Celebrity supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement? You’ll find them in the club.
While usual suspects Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore have thrown their support behind the anti-corporate Occupy Wall Street movement, there’s been a lot of help from the rap world as well, with stars Russell Simmons and Kanye West appearing at protests to show solidarity with the movement’s platform. Simmons and West are fairly outspoken politically and socially, but you can add another prominent hip-hop voice to the roster- rapper 50 cent has penned a rather lengthy post lauding the movement as well.
Fitty- real name Curtis Jackson- may not be very closely associated with causes in general, but that may be changing. And while the artist himself is rich, he says he stands with the 99% that have taken to the streets to protest crony capitalism and a corrupt system that has seen not one arrest following the global economic meltdown. He says:
“How f**ked up that we have evidence that the big Banks have been corrupt, yet our governments aren’t punishing those that have stolen from the pension funds.
“Our Politicians are puppets for whoever pays them into office. That’s how f**ked our system is. Their broken promises for change cant happen especially when the system is corrupt.”
50 Cent continues:
“And children who need a meal go without because our politicians won’t stop thinking of themselves long enough or how to win the next election, too [sic] look around them and see how bad it is. You aren’t helping Mr politician… Im f**kn angry that Children are dying everyday…
“Problem is those with the power – government and big business, want this system to keep going. Its [sic] suits them. I don’t want to do business with these f**kers anymore. Do you? if a company isn’t giving back, stop buying from them…”
The Candy Shop rapper concludes:
“We are more powerful than the big business and politicians realize… we have the power to stop buying their products, banking with them. your dollar, that you worked hard for, does have power. together we can say – Wake Up A-holes! The game is over.”
The rapper signs off telling fans and occupiers to “keep up the peaceful protest, you are making a difference.”