Got the popcorn, interwebs?
Defenders of Wikileaks and all around decent chaps Anonymous and new lulzists on the block LulzSec have begun trading barbs- apparently after some 4Chan users got pissy with LulzSec’s habit of downing gaming services like MMPORG EVE Online. Users on /v/ were reportedly angered after yesterday’s rampage of lulz resulting in several outages. One Reddit user commented :
That kind of already happened when Lulzsec DDOSed MIncraft and EVE Online. /v/ went out in droves and DDOSed to death anything related to Lulzsec. It was like watching a glorious internet civil war take place. “We ride our chocobos to war and enter the fray” was the rallying cry on /v/ today.
The wrath of Anonymous is feared the internet over due to their DDoS habit, but LulzSec has taunted the beast several times on Twitter in the past 24 hours:
It should also be noted that 4Chan is currently down for reasons unknown. Some have criticized LulzSec for hitting softer targets, but the hacking collective just addressed the issue of target severity in response to Twitter criticism:
@Quadrapodacone Hey jackhammer, get some attention span and check our releases page. We’ve hit two agency websites already.
On Twitter, LulzSec has also been promoting a “hotline” (614-LULZSEC) for users to call in desired hacking targets rather than posting them on Twitter. You can follow the lulz in real time by keeping an eye on their feed there.
Update: Reuters has picked up the feud , and reports that calls made to the LulzSec hotline result in the following message:
We are not available right now as we are busy raping your Internet. Leave a message and we will get back to you whenever we feel like.