Eva Longoria shared an adorable photo of her snuggling with baby Santiago on Instagram Friday, and followers fell in love. Born on June 19, her bundle of joy’s full name is Santiago Enrique. In her post dated July 4, a green blanket is wrapped around mother and son. His head is snuggled into her chest while a freckle-faced Eva looks at the camera. She captioned the photo “Morning cuddles with this angel are the best!”
As reported by People , the 43-year-old gave birth in Los Angeles at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Little Santiago weighed six pounds and 13 ounces when he was born.
This is the first child for the Desperate Housewives actress, but it’s the fourth for her husband of over two years, Jose “Pepe” Baston, who has three children from a previous marriage.
Eva shared the first photo of her newborn with Hola .
“We are so grateful for this beautiful blessing,” she said. She added the image to her Instagram a couple of days later. She holds little Santiago as he dons the beanie cap given to him by the hospital. Eva added an introduction to her baby boy and thanks for all the kind wishes of her followers then took the chance to speak out on the separation of immigrant children from their families, a situation she has publicly denounced often in recent months.
“In light of my son’s birth I wanted to bring focus on the families that have been separated at the border. Having my son next to me, I cannot imagine him being taken from my arms. Families belong together which is why we must do what we can to reunite them. That’s why I am supporting @raicestexas and @aclu_nationwide to help fund legal services for separated families (link in bio) #KeepFamiliesTogether”
Obviously completely smitten with Santiago, Longoria has since shared a couple more pictures of the cutie on her Instagram to the complete delight of her followers. There was one just four days after his birth. He appears to be laying against his father’s chest with his back to the camera as he shows his support for Mexico in the World Cup.
There was another days later of his tiny little feet.
Fans expressed their joy for the new addition to her family with comments like, “Congratulations on your precious gift. What a magic photo,” and “Perfect picture of your greatest Blessing. May God cover him with favor and love always.”