The Brady Bunch is one of the most beloved television sitcoms of all time. The classic comedy, which aired on ABC from 1969 to 1974 and continues to air in syndication all over the world, followed the blended Brady family after the marriage of single parents Mike and Carol (Robert Reed, Florence Henderson).
Fans of The Brady Bunch paid special attention to the awesome Brady house, designed by architect Mike Brady himself. The Brady abode was huge, yet somehow only managed to have three bedrooms and two bathrooms for a family of eight.
Still, a highlight of the Brady house was the kitchen, complete with dark wood cabinets and bright orange Formica countertops. Now, nearly 50 years after The Brady Bunch made its debut, a Chicago condo has hit the market, featuring a kitchen that was inspired by the retro TV show.
The three-bedroom, three-bath loft, located in trendy Wicker Park, boasts the current owner’s love for midcentury pop culture. Current homeowner Gregg Shipp bought the place in 2001 then updated it, according to Curbed Chicago ,
“I knew I wanted to create something that was an homage to the pop art of the 1960s and 70s—the era I grew up in. I wanted nostalgic, but also updated,” Shipp told Curbed.
For homebuyers who love the Brady Bunch … This 70s-inspired home was just reduced to $920k. Though not my listing, I’m happy to show this Wicker Park home to interested buyers. #DianeSalachRealtor #ColdwellBanker (630) 327-2926
— diane salach (@dsalach) June 18, 2018
To create The Brady Bunch inspired kitchen, Shipp removed the condo’s original French provincial-style cabinetry and added old-school dark wood paneling and bright orange accents reminiscent of the kitchen design on his favorite childhood TV show. Of course, eagle-eyed Brady fans will notice one glaring ommission—the built-in double oven on the brick wall facing the stove.
See photos: The grooviest bachelor pad in Chicago modeled its kitchen after The Brady Bunch
— MeTV (@MeTV) June 11, 2018
Other features in the home include nostalgia-fueled décor like a hand-painted Technicolor striped accent wall, a bathroom wallpapered with vintage postcards, and a 1970’s “basement rec room”-style music room. The Wicker Park loft is listed at $920,000, but that groovy kitchen is priceless for Brady Bunch fans.
The Brady kitchen was the backdrop for some of the most memorable scenes on the beloved sitcom. Who can forget when middle son Peter Brady (Christopher Knight) did his best Humphrey Bogart impression to ask for “pork chops and applesauce” for dinner? In another episode, a frazzled Mike Brady spent the day with his girls cooking a gourmet meal in the kitchen, then taught them how to clean up the mess.
The real-life Brady Bunch house used for exterior shots for the show is actually located in Studio City, California and it still remains a popular pit stop for tourists in the area.
Check out Mike Brady making a mess in the kitchen in the video below.