PSY may have retired “ Gangnam Style ,” but that doesn’t mean the viral hit has left our culture entirely. We’re always looking for new twists on the YouTube hit, and the latest comes from a 7-month-old baby.
Sure, most people have called it a day for “Gangnam Style,” the record-setting phenomenon from the Korean rapper PSY that ruled 2012. The phenomenon should be totally and completely over by most measurements, even from PSY himself who decided to retire the single on New Year’s Eve after a healthy run.
Still, the retirement of “Gangnam Style” might not be without its occasional curtain call, like this one from some random 7-month-old baby. We don’t even know if the kid can walk or talk yet, but he does a pretty nice horse dance from the floor. Of course, we’ve never seen a baby go “Gangnam Style,” so there’s not much we can really compare it to.
Even more interestingly, this kid and “Gangnam Style” may have been born at roughly the same time, notes MSN . The video by PSY was indeed submitted to his official YouTube account nearly seven months ago.
In any case, the baby doing “Gangnam Style” video has already racked up an impressive 800,000 views on YouTube since its original submission on January 18.
But you don’t need to go all the way over there. You can watch the baby “Gangnam Style” video below. What do you think? Can “Gangnam Style” finally be over?