Shia LaBeouf is taking this new “method acting” thing way too seriously.
LaBeouf filmed himself high on acid as he prepared to play a drug addict in his new film The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, reports MSN . He then decided to send the footage of his acid trip to his co-star, actress Evan Rachel Wood.
Why? I don’t know.
The former child star has turned a new leaf in his career. Instead of co-starring in big-budget summer romps alongside the likes of Megan Fox and Sarah Roemer, LaBeouf is now a balls-out method actor like Daniel Day-Lewis (but probably more self-destructive).
Case in point: LaBeouf is doing drugs, taping himself, and then reviewing the footage later so he can act good or something.
He tells MTV :
“I remember sending Evan tapes. I remember trying to conjure this (drug-addicted character) and sending tapes and Evan being like, ‘Yeah, that’s good, but that’s not, but this is, but that ain’t (sic).’ Not like she’s the expert on set. I’m just saying you reach out to friends, and you sort of gauge where you’re at. So I was sending tapes around.”
LaBeouf had to drop acid a few times to get it right, but says he was never “wasted” on set. “You don’t show up wasted. You don’t show up completely tripping on acid. But you’re rooting for something (the feeling of being on drugs), and you’re pushing yourself toward it. Everyone’s got their own way.”
I can appreciate LaBeouf trying to cut his teeth on artistic work, and I can even appreciate him walking away from the limelight because he’s tired of being mocked for being in stupid movies. But what he’s doing right now is just as bad. He’s doing to same stuff people mocked him for in the mainstream, he’s just doing it on the indie circuit.
LaBeouf is a good actor though. That’s what makes this so frustrating.
Anyway. Are you a fan of Shia LaBeouf?
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