For 10 years now Marvel Studios has been hyping up that ever since 2008’s Iron Man , all the movies that followed were leading up to the Infinity War with many to speculate that Avengers 4 would be the last of the super team combo. But now Disney’s CEO Bob Iger is whistling a different tune. Maybe.
Up until now, fans know very little of what is in store for their favorite heroes after the big show down continues next summer other than there will be another sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy and another Spider-Man movie, but Iger is teasing that more may be to come, reports the Hollywood Reporter .
“We meet on a regular basis with our Marvel team, and we’ve plotted out Marvel movies that will take us well into the next decade,” said Iger. “I’m guessing we will try our hand at what I’ll call a new franchise beyond Avengers , but that doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see more Avengers down the road. We just haven’t made any announcements about that. Given the popularity of the characters and given the popularity of the franchise, I don’t think people should conclude there will never be another Avengers movie.”
Today’s news will surprise few fans. To date, Avengers: Infinity War has earned over $1.1 billion, and with its cliffhanger ending, expect to see similar numbers next year. (Like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the second half of the story is already done as it was shot at the same time.)
Overall, Avengers: Infinity War has received good reviews, although there were some complaints that because of the huge cast of big-name stars and characters, only a few of them received much screen time, something Disney CFO Christine McCarthy seemed to agree with.
“I think the outstanding performance is nothing short of stellar,” she said, adding, “there is one difference in this movie … that’s the size of the cast.”
Despite the crowded scenes, fans also noted a few characters, namely Hawkeye and Ant-Man, were missing from action. Those questions were addressed almost immediately when a teaser trailer came out last week ahead of the official trailer for the Ant-Man and the Wasp . The teaser showed the Avengers cast wondering aloud where their little friend went with the implication that we’ll find out on July 6 when Ant-Man and the Wasp comes to theaters. Then, fans will need to sit through yet another movie before the big battle continues, not that any of them will mind. Captain Marvel is expected to open in theaters on March 8, 2019, and is bound to set up even more teases.