Netflix and DreamWorks Animation Television announced today that the production of a new animated series based on the Fast & Furious franchise has begun. It is the first in a series of new shows coming down the pipeline to air on Netflix as part of a multi-year deal providing original animated kids and family programming.
The new Fast & Furious show will feature Dom Toretto’s younger cousin Tony, a teen who wants to follow Dom’s tire treads when he and a group of friends are recruited to help serve a government agency. The idea here is that the teenagers would become weave themselves into an elite racing league which is being used as a front for a criminal organization with plans for world domination. The show will be led by Tim Hedrick, who has worked on DreamWorks’ Voltron Legendary Defender , and Brett Haaland of All Hail King Julien . The Netflix show is being executive produced by Vin Diesel, Neal Mortiz, and Chris Morgan.
The cartoon series is based on the eight Fast & Furious films that have come before it which together have earned over $5 billion in box office sales worldwide. The next live action films to come in the series will be chapters nine and 10, arriving in theaters in April 2020 and 2021 respectively.
“We are thrilled to take our fantastic partnership with DreamWorks Animation to the next level with new opportunities from the vast library of Universal Pictures,” said Melissa Cobb, Vice President of Kids and Family. “The Fast & Furious franchise is a global phenomenon beloved by audiences of all ages, and we can’t wait to get started on the new animated series that will capture the action, heart, humor and global appeal of the feature films.”
Would you watch an animated Fast & Furious show?!
— IGN (@IGN) April 23, 2018
Since 2013, Various DreamWorks series shown on Netflix have earned 17 Emmy Awards with 21 other nominations from the 2018 Daytime Creative Arts Emmy Awards. The five-year deal has helped to create such shows as Trollhunters from Guillermo del Toro and Spirit Riding Free .
“We are excited to extend and expand our successful relationship with Netflix by not only delivering more high-quality DreamWorks programming, but connecting fans of Universal films with fascinating new stories,” said Margie Cohn, President of DreamWorks Animation Television.
No premiere was given in today’s press release for the show.