Michael Calamari Jr. is a man used to working behind the scenes, but he is getting some viral attention this week after a number of people on social media decided that Donald Trump’s director of security looks a lot like the man that adult film star Stormy Daniels said threatened her.
This week, Daniels released a composite sketch of the man she claims approached her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 to warn her from speaking about her affair with Donald Trump. As HuffPost reported, Daniels said the man was “lean but fit” and appeared to be between 5-foot-9 and 6-foot tall and in his 30s or early 40s. In her account, Daniels said the man told her to leave Trump alone and made a veiled threat against Daniels’ infant daughter.
As soon as the sketch was released, the speculation started, and many identified Michael Calamari Jr. as a potential suspect. As the news blog Crooks and Liars noted, Calamari serves as Trump’s director of private security, a team that has been accused of being too rough in their tactics. The report noted how many people believed Calamari could be the mystery suspect.
The internet was flooded with side-by-side pictures of Michael Calamari Jr. and the Stormy Daniels composite as people searched for similarities.
Is Matthew Calamari Jr. the thug who threatened Stormy Daniels? https://t.co/m1PcIusiRO He is the Trump Organization’s Director of Security, a job his dad held earlier. Calamari Jr. started working for Trump in 2011, the year Stormy was threatened. #Stormy
— Antifa Choir Director (@christoq) April 18, 2018
But as many point out, the resemblance between Michael Calamari Jr. and the man in the sketch appear tenuous at best. The picture being shared of Calamari from his social media has some very obvious differences than the man in the sketch, most notably the jawline. Some explain that Calamari is older and has put on weight since the incident, but there are still many other apparently glaring differences.
One of the main ones would be the age. In her sketch, Stormy Daniels said the man was in his 30s or early 40s, and Calamari looks to be younger in his current photo than the man in the sketch.
Donald Trump has his own theory. Tweeting for the first time about the Stormy Daniels affair, Trump pointed out on Wednesday morning that the man in the sketch looks suspiciously like of Stormy Daniels’ ex-husband.
ATTN: #StormyDaniels ‘ husband #BrendonMiller aka #GlendonCrain (who looks like the guy in her sketch) was arrested for abusing her in 2015, and she suspiciously dropped the abuse charge against him in 2018 (just prior to her 60 Minutes interview). https://t.co/clif11kPfB
— Robbin Young (@Robbin_Young) April 18, 2018
Michael Calamari Jr. has not spoken publicly about the speculation that he looks like the man who threatened Stormy Daniels.