The newest iPhone App from Cisco is perfect for internet security experts looking to protect their devices and ultimately the personal and business information of their companies employees. The program provides users with internet traffic and e-mail monitoring alerts and even allows IP addresses to be entered for specific websites and servers so users can check the site or servers “reputation.” Those risks are determined base on various factors including traffic volume and location.
The program probably won’t do standard users all that much good, Cisco is aiming the program at IT managers and security experts and is providing SIO TO Go abilities which provides various security news feeds, a Cisco Risk Report, access to the companies security blog, Twitter feeds and other information that may be of use when determining company protocols and blacklisting certain locations.
To gather information the program uses Cisco’s own email monitoring technology, while also access popular information gather options include the WhoIs directory for determining where a site is located, what type of traffic it gets and any reports of malware and other potentially harmful software the sites and server may be distributing.
The program is free to use and is rather intuitive for first time users with simple entry forms and excellent data output. [iPodNN]